Monday, March 28, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160329

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin!  How's it going today, my Sweetheart?  I took Floofy to the vet this morning.  Last Thursday, she stopped eating, which is always red alert for cats, but I thought she was just in heat again.  But come Saturday, it became obvious to me that she was suffering, so I felt her tummy and it was tight.  Oh my God, she has a blockage.  A blocked intestine is death for cats, but it was the weekend and the vet was closed.  So I looked it up on the Internet, and found that some blockages are due to parasites.  Yeah, I had some worm syrup, so I gave her a dose of that.  She finally took a poop, about an inches worth, then I poked at the poop with an old knife and it was rock hard.  I gave her 3 more doses of worm syrup, and I think I got all the hard poop out.  She's now eating again, and seems to be back to normal.  The vet said that the hot dry weather is causing the constipation, and I need to force feed her water.  I've been force feeding all the indoor cats water.  Floofy was so cute at the vet's office.  She kept on sticking her head into my arms, begging me to embrace her, and protect her from the scary doctor.

How's your tummy, Erin?  Is it OK?  I hope you're not holding in poop.  How about your teeth?  Are all your teeth OK?  Please look after yourself, because I love you and I need you.  Ya Allah, please protect my Erin.

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