Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160323

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Erin, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.  I just wanted to make you laugh a little, so I thought it would be funny, but I guess it isn't.  I'm so stupid.  I promise not to ever quote you again inshaAllah, unless it's important and serious.  Please forgive me.  Please don't be mad at me, because I love you so much.  I need you.

So no pizza today.  I made a batch of dough, though.  The dough is a bit hard today, so it looks like no pizza until Thursday at least.  Coconut is plentiful right now, so I went in that direction.  I saw a cluster of baby coconuts over at your house inshaAllah, so I took those down.  Baby coconut juice is a fountain of youth, so my mother says.  So I gave her the juice of about 7 baby coconuts, and I have some for myself as well.  Dinner is chicken fingers, but instead of bread crumbs, I used grated coconut.  The coating wasn't crispy, perhaps I should have mixed in some flour with that.  But it tasted great, and very filling too.  For dipping sauce, I used that extra thick curry I made the other day.  You must try some.

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