Thursday, March 17, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160318

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Sweetie!  How's my precious love doing today?  You must be busy, as you are Boss Model.  So please look after yourself, and try to stay home if you're not working.  I feel like I'm working the front line of a fast food restaurant in a busy mall.  Well, there's always something to do around here.

For lunch I had hot dogs.  There were some leftover hot dogs from which I shared with my Dad before.  They were quite good, for hot dogs.  Large, too.  Dinner was sliced tenderloin over hash browns.  Hmm.  Sounds almost like a fast food menu.  I think it's time to back to pizza.  I just made a batch of dough, and it feels like a good batch.  I need to go buy sausage fixings.  My favorite pizza is sausage and basil.  I'm not much for variety in my pizza, I just like what I like.  I don't like dessert pizzas.  Ugh!  Just eat a chocolate sundae!  My hydroponics garden is coming quite nicely.  Using all recycled bottles, bamboo skewers, and coconut husks, I only spent money for the seeds.  The fertilizer is the same I use for my baby mangoes.  Right now, I'm growing mustard greens and bok choy.  I want to grow lettuce, but I can't find the seeds anywhere.  But inshaAllah, my hydroponic vegetables will turn out great.

Busy as you are, please remember that I love you and I want to marry you, so you must take care of yourself, because I need you.  OK?

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