Friday, March 4, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160305

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello Sweetheart.  Hello Luscious.  I'm sitting at home again writing this letter, for hospital duty has ceased for now.  I'm writing late today: it's almost 10 pm, and I'll be going to sleep soon.  I've been awfully busy, and I didn't get much sleep in the ward.  I just came back from the mosque.  I watched a young couple get married.

I spent the evening in the kitchen, processing a fish, making marinara sauce, making sausage, making a pizza.  This time it's sausage and oyster mushroom.  I've been really enjoying pizza lately.  I'm grateful to Allah for giving me some knowledge of cooking.  Tomorrow, I'll be grilling a fish!  I wish you were with me to enjoy it.  My parents gave me a fish Tuesday, but it's been in the freezer because I've been so busy.  I'll be stuffing it with tofu and tom yam paste, maybe some cilantro or basil.  I will wait for you, because I love you and I need you.  I'll need to get another fish, though.

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