Sunday, January 24, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160125

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Reality can be pretty intoxicating, especially for someone who isn't used to such a reality.  I've become used to such a reality, so it's normal to me.  Since I don't have a lot of money, I have no choice but to embrace you spiritually.  It's not I who is flexing spiritual muscle: Allah is helping me.  Alhamdulillah.  I want to protect and nurture you, because you are so beautiful and precious to me.  I love you and I need you.

Dinner tonight is pizza again!  I do know people who can and do eat pizza everyday, but I'm not one of them.  Allah grants me some knowledge, I have the ingredients in my cooler, and the quality is good, plus I want to experiment making the biggest pizza I can with the limited equipment I have.  It's a good pizza.  I want another one, but I really shouldn't.  Want some pizza?

Please make a donation to a worthwhile charity of a minimum of one US dollar or one Euro.

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