Thursday, January 21, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160122

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi there!  How's it going?  Are you feeling good and staying healthy?  Yeah, you are the most beautiful girl in the world, because you are MY girl.  I love you and I need you.

Oh, nothing special on the menu today.  My stomach is still more sensitive than normal, but at last the pain is going away.  Alhamdulillah.  Lunch was just noodles with beef and egg, and dinner was just hash.  Eggplant, potato, beef and onion hash.  Simple, tasty, and filling.  You're welcome to have some if you like.

During voice training today, I noticed that I have 3 baby fish.  They must have shown up during the night or something.  I don't even know which one is the mother.  It must be the one with the big belly.  The others aren't harassing them, so that's a good thing.  So that's 3 baby fish, 6 adult fish, for a total of 9 guppies.  Fishy, fishy, fishy, fish!

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