Saturday, January 9, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160110

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello Cherub!  Hi Pumpkin!  How are we today?  Are you having a great time?  Please make sure you take good care of yourself.  Don't worry so much, OK?  Just be righteous, and Allah will grant you your reward inshaAllah.  You're my sweetheart, I love you and I need you.

Oh, it's just another same old day for little old me.  I did some shopping for my parents in the morning.  I got them a new mailbox, some liquid detergent, fish food, coffee and a newspaper.  Yeah, they still read those things.  I guess it's handy not to need a battery to read it.  I also found some seeds.  Jicama, bok choy, Chinese cabbage, and asparagus.  I don't know if they'll grow, but I just sow the seeds.  Allah is the One Who makes the seed grow.  I think I'll try starting a hydroponic system for my lettuce.  They're just not doing too well in the dirt.

I gave Floofy Darling a bath today.  Needless to say, she wasn't pleased with me at all.  She's such a fat cat, it takes her a while to dry.  But at least she's smelling much better.  Please don't roll around in the menses, Floofy!  Right now she looks like a carpet, but I have my fat tabby back to snuggle.

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