Monday, November 30, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151201

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Her name is Antonia.

I beg your forgiveness for hurting your feelings, and making you angry.  I sincerely love you, I want you to have no doubt in that.  A man loses the ability to fall in love as he ages, love leaves with libido I guess.  I certainly don't know who Antonia is to love her, but I need to be married and have children, and for their mother to help me take care of them.  I don't have money.  What I have is the ability to enlarge the income of others by the Will of Allah.  Not only does the career of my wife flourish, but also the revenue of her bosses.  I'm not the only one who needs you.  Many people need you.  Including your children.

I need to talk about the hypocrites.  They are those who believe, then reject, then believe, and reject faith, and go on increasing in unbelief.  They have faith if there is worldly profit in it.  They are those who pray without sincerity, to be seen of people, and are distracted in mind in the midst of it.  For the hypocrites there is a grievous penalty, and I certainly wouldn't want to be married to one.

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