Monday, November 23, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151124

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello there, lovely Erin.  Dahling!  How are you feeling today?   Busy, I suppose.  Well, please make sure you are giving your heart a break.  Some quiet time, and not just work work work all the time.  And during your time, please think of me, and know that I love you and I need you.  I want to marry you.  OK?

My Mom was in surgery today, so I had an early start at 5:30 am.  I arrived at the hospital just in time to see them wake my Mom up, and take her to surgery.  So I just stayed outside the operating theater, and fell asleep on a bench.  I brought some chili for breakfast or whatever, and waited until I got news that the surgery was a success.  Alhamdulillah.  So I got home in time for lunch, which was an egg and cheese burrito, and a 10 minute nap.  My Dad sent me on a quest for rose and lychee syrup, so that's what I did after dropping off a bottle of water to my Mom.  Dinner was beef and potatoes again, just because I hadn't given much thought to what I would eat.  Sorry it's so boring, but you're welcome to share my food.  I am tired, though.  Maybe I'll take a nap before going to sleep, but I have to make a batch of dough.

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