Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150827

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin, my beloved!  How is the most beautiful girl in the world feeling today?  You are MY girl, Erin.  Mine, mine, MINE.  Oh, it's just another average day for me.  Just another average day in the average life of yet another average Joe.  I've been getting the dates of these letters wrong lately.  Duh.  I'm a senile old man.  It's all the same old day, anyway.

It did clear up somewhat in the evening, enough for me to cut the grass over at your house inshaAllah.  There was also a group of banana trees behind my house that was attracting thick vines, and that was bothering me so I chopped all that down.  I also got rid of a spiny palm that was growing right at the neighbor's fence.  Once all that got down, it immediately started to rain.  Heavily.  The whole village was enveloped in a grey, thick fog.  Like London in winter.  Well, not that cold.  I didn't see any ravens, though.

I didn't feel like cooking anything for dinner, but I couldn't go out because it was pouring.  So I finished off the leftover chili.  Cold.  I didn't feel like cooking.  But it wasn't enough, because I was ravenous for some reason.  I had a leftover steak in the freezer, so I had to heat that up.  Good thing it was already cooked.  I guess this means I don't have anything special cooked up to share with you.  But I would have shared my cold chili and steak with you if you had been here.  You're such a sweetheart, Erin.  I love you, and I need you.

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