Sunday, August 16, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150818

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

My source tells me that people WILL overwork you.  To death.  Under the sun.  In front of the camera.  This is no longer a possibility, but imminent.  Legal contracts will not protect you, but only compensate for losses.  And that is how you should regard them.

Don't be alarmed, Erin.  Just be brave.  And lazy.  Stay indoors.  Work indoors.  Watch TV.  Practice your cooking.  Play video games.  Exercise indoors.  I wish I were there to help protect you, but Allah is the Best to protect.  So please pray, and be proactive in your awareness of how precious you are, and how precious you are to me.  Erin, I love you and I need you.  Ya Allah, please protect my Erin.

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