Friday, July 31, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150801

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

I'll have to say that it's handy to know how to make dough.  Fresh bread is filling, tastes great, good for you, and goes with pretty much anything.  Ya Allah, thank You for the knowledge and the bounty You have provided for me.  I can't make sliced bread like the machines do, but making dough comes easily for me.  It's because I had to make batches from 50 pound sacks of flour 2 to 7 times a day everyday at one point in my life.  My dough is as basic as it gets: flour, yeast, water, salt, and oil.  You should try to make dough too.  Just remember, you have to make dough everyday to become good at it.  Well maybe not everyday, but very very often.  Today for dinner, I rolled out a couple of doughs to about 8 inches, then stuffed with steak, black mushrooms and onions sauteed in butter, and cheese, then cooked them on the flat pan I use to cook tortillas, flipping them over a couple of times.  So yummy, and dripping with butter.  Yeah, perhaps I used too much butter, but it was great.  Oh, I ate yours!  I'm sorry, but you weren't here.  But as you know, you're welcome anytime for dinner, because I love you, and I need you.

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