Friday, July 17, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150718

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

HI Erin Sweetie.  Today is the Eid.  I'm not fasting.  Anyway. it's past sunset and I'm watching "Stroszek".  It's a German movie with Mexican subtitles (or is that Portuguese?), and I don't know what the hell is going on.  I spent the first half hour draining my sinus cavity, so I was watching the drip and listening to German chatter.  I'm going to have to play the movie over again.  My Mom (and her gang) made a ton of tomato rice, and I have leftovers in my cooler.  Well not a ton, but I have over 3 liters of leftover tomato rice.  I'll cook that up after the night prayer later, and watch "Stroszek" again.  I've been eating the same thing over and over again today.  Fireworks have been popping incessantly at night, last night and right now.  Floofy didn't like them last night, but now she's gotten used to it, and is just sleeping away on my prayer rug.  Fireworks aren't a big production out here in the kampung, but many many independent displays permeate the night until the wee hours, taking the time where karaoke once ruled.  Oh no, I made too much tomato rice fried rice!  I'll be eating tomato rice again tomorrow.  Alhamdulillah.

Let's see if I understand the movie.  Bruno's a musician who just gets out of jail gets into trouble with some pimps, then he and his friends move to midwest America where they finance a trailer home, but it gets repoed so they go rob a band but the bank is closed so they rob a barber instead but the old man gets caught and Bruno is left alone and hijacks a ski lift where he goes around and around up and down with a frozen turkey and a shotgun waiting for the cops to get him.  How's that?  Lots of nice little nuances in the movie.

I don't get sentimental about the holidays, but I wish you were here with me.  We can do things over and over again together in comfort, security and joy inshaAllah.  How's that?  Erin, you have to keep stable and mundane for your children.  I love you, and I need you.

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