Thursday, June 25, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150626

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello, Erin dahlink.  How are you feeling today?  I pray you are feeling healthy and confident, and having a great time.  Now that you're a movie star, please get plenty of rest and maintain your prayers.  Be alert, and don't fall into any "reality" traps.  And please try not to party, OK?  I will do my share of work over here to make sure you are the most feminine movie star ever: I'll make all those other girls look like men inshaAllah.  Please forgive me if I make mistakes, but I assure you with Allah as my witness that I am faithful and faithful to you.  You have my devotion so long as you respect our Islamic marriage inshaAllah.

People think that because it's always Sunday for me, that I'm always on holiday.  Actually, it's the opposite: I'm always working.  And on Fridays, I have to attend Friday prayer.  Today I started to chop down the big tree that's growing on your house.  It's a big tree, Erin.  The roots are all over in the house, and even growing on glass.  Incredible.  But very aesthetic, somehow.  Anyway, I still haven't prepared my food for breaking fast.  Nothing complicated: I have sliced bread, and I'm going to eat the "rendang" my Mom made.  I have a few curry puffs as well.  So I'm going to start cooking.  I want you to be cautious and make sure no harm comes to you or your precious body.  I love you, and I need you.

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