Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150618

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Oh hi, Erin!  How are you doing, Sweetie?  I just got back from the first "taraweeh" prayer, the optional group prayer during Ramadan, which commences right after the night prayer.  Ramadan is very social for me, which can get uncomfortable for me.  I'm quite a loner, you know.  I'm trying to picture what it will be like when we are married inshaAllah, and we go to this prayer together.  We would most likely be with each other until the actual prayer, when men and women split ranks.  I have this picture in my head that unless you have your friends with you, you would be playing with your smartphone back there.  Please try not to do that.

It's almost time to get to sleep, if I want to wake up at 3 am or something to cook and eat.  I usually write right after dinner, after the sunset prayer.  So there's a change of habit, what is time anyway.  Actually, I rather enjoy Ramadan.  You take care of yourself, and get plenty of rest.  I love you, and I need you.

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