Saturday, June 13, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150614

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin!  How are you feeling today, my beloved?  I pray you are feeling healthy and happy, and having a great time.  Just be sure to maintain your prayers.  Nothing much going on today for me.  It rained a lot in the morning, so I wasn't able to go out as I had planned.  I wanted to buy more flour.  Lunch wasn't all that special.  I had to finish off those small won ton skins, so I just stuffed them with the rest of the fish balls, since my paste didn't work too well.  The rained stopped in the evening, so after the Asr prayer I was able to cut grass over at your house inshaAllah.  I went out after, to get gasoline and I bought fried noodles for dinner.  Yeah, I don't feel like cooking.  But also I won't be eating out much during Ramadan, which starts next Thursday.  Right now, I'm going to just relax.  My legs are tired.  Wish you were here with me.  I love you, and I need you.

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