Friday, May 29, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150530

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

How are you doing today, Sweetie?  Nothing all that special going on here.  Today is Friday, so I had to attend the Friday prayer at noon- I always get there early.  Not for any noble reasons- I have my usual spot, so I sit there so no one takes it.  They didn't call the prayer until 1:17 pm today.  Then the imam gives the sermon, and after the sermon, the actual prayer commences.  A lot of the kids don't show up until after the sermon, and a lot of the grown ups too.

I woke up early today.  After the dawn prayer, I did some Internet work until 7, then I had to pay attention to my baby mangoes.  The seeds are splitting, so I had to separate the seedlings, which means filling up more peat pots.  Now I'm running out of soil, so I have to generate soil by burning.  Of course there's no hurry on the soil because I can just buy dirt, but it's still a lot of work, and it kept me busy until 10 with lots left over to do.  Lunch was chicken sandwiches.  I have a foolproof method of cooking super tender chicken breast, is to cook it at low flame in a closed sauce pot and turning off the heat at the right moment.  I used my home grown lettuce for the sandwiches.  I sprayed pesticide on the lettuce so it had to be washed off, but the bugs came back for the baby lettuce so I had to spray it again.

So obviously after the Asr prayer, I got back to stuffing peat pots and burning.  I was too lazy to cook dinner, so I went out for fried noodles.  I got an extra large helping... you want some?  Oh no, I ate it all!  Damned man-sized appetite.  Or is it plain gluttony?  I don't think I'm obese, and I try to stay physically active...  Next I'll practice bass a little.  Without the subwoofer.  I pray you're doing great, Erin.  I love you, and I need you.

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