Sunday, May 10, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150511

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

**sniffle**  I caught the sniffles today.  Finally, after more than a month into the rainy season.  It would be nice not to have to catch it at all.  But the flu has proven throughout human history to be unconquerable.  This time, the Flu Virus Collective made its move at 9 am.  So I sneezed more than a couple of times, but not enough to stop me from tending to my cats and plants, then cutting the grass.  When the runny nose really kicked in was precisely at voice training time.  Good planning, huh?  So I had to slog through my work uncomfortably, until right after 4 pm I dropped to my knees and drained my sinus cavity.  You know something?  God put this thing we call a nose in the middle of our face with 2 holes facing downwards, it must have some sort of purpose.  Since the flu is unbeatable, these nostrils must be for dumping the sinus cavity.  The procedure works quite well, I must say.  Gross as it may be, the snots are under control and didn't go down my throat, and I am functioning normally but with the residue of a headache left from emptying the sinus cavity.  Aspirin.

What is "girl rot"?  I believe the world is suffering from "girl rot".  Is it that people don't know what's girly anymore?  High heels, boobs, butt, slutty dress... then they go on Springer, saying "I was born a man."  Since the advent of plastic surgery and the slutty dress, anyone can be girly.  But "girl rot" is something different.  MashaAllah.  You are MY girl, and that makes you the most beautiful girl in the world to me.  So some other girls get so jealous of you that they create their own personal world crisis.  It's almost like a disease for cats.  You know how all cats can look the same, except for cats that are loved become beautiful.

Erin, you are MY girl.  I love you, and I need you.

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