Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150401

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

I mentioned once before, that it doesn't matter if a man is butt ugly.  As long as he has strength and power, then people don't really care what he looks like.  Yeah, it's a shallow society- you tell me!  I'm not pretty.  Not like you.  You're pretty.  My body is built like a chimpanzee, but it does have a little bit of strength left, and it also houses the music, for which I am grateful.  Alhamdulillah.  Ya Allah, thank You for the knowledge and the bounty You have given me. and please forgive me for my faults.  I figure that I will never become pretty while I am on this earth, no matter how much I mummify myself with plastic surgery.  So I will do the best I can with what Allah has given me, perchance I will be allowed into heaven.  If I am allowed into heaven, I'm going to ask God to make me pretty.  I want to look somewhat like Megan Fox or Milla Jovovich or Angelina Jolie, with a great looking rack and a big dick.  I don't want a donkey dick, just to have a body made for pleasure, since in heaven, strength and power are useless.  For fun and games with my wife. 

Erin, please make a donation to a worthwhile charity of a minimum of one US dollar.  I pray you are having a great time, and staying safe.  I love you, and I need you.

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