Sunday, January 25, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150124

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hey there, Tough Girl.  Are you a tough girl?  While it's good to be strong, it's more important that you be a good girl.  Shine with goodness and light.  What a beautiful girl you are.  I love you, and I need you.

It's been a hectic week for me, with my getting an average of 5 hours sleep a day.  So this morning after completing the dawn prayer, I woke up at 8:30.  A decent hour, for a change.  I still haven't had much motivation to experiment with food: my mind is working overtime on music and computers.  I finished off the last of my last batch of home made halal beef sausage this morning with a sausage, egg, cheese, and sauteed onion burrito, with a tomato sauce dip.  I took it slow in the kitchen, spending most of the time petting my kittens.  After voice training and after the Asr prayer, I dug up a huge tapioca for my Mom.  About the size of a small pig.  Do you like tapioca?  I don't really care for it myself, but my Mom loves it.  Then I trimmed the bamboo, and watered the plants.  I bought some rice for dinner at one of the village restaurants.  I don't have many places where I eat out, because Allah gave me some knowledge in cooking.  So I prefer my own cooking because I eat what I want with the portions I want, I'm not likely to poison myself,  plus it's cheaper.  Is that conceited?  I think it's practical, especially for me.  For us.

And by the way Erin the Designer, a Muslim home is not to have statues and pictures of celebrities, so as to be representations of idols and the like.  If you have accumulated such items, please unload them before we marry.  Photos of friends and relatives are OK.

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