Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Letter to Erin 20141216

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Suddenly Erin rules over all models.  USA!  USA!  USA!

Next, a house for Erin.

At this time, I'm living in a little house right next door to my parents' house.  On the other side of my little house stands my grandfather's old house.  Nobody lives in there anymore except for beasts and jinns (I'm serious), it's made of wood and brick with zinc roofing, and it's totally run down and termite infested.  But it stands on a sizable piece of property.  It is my plan to own that land and the land that my little house stands on, and build a nice, large, and modern house for my wife.  InshaAllah.

That's you, Erin.  InshaAllah.  I love you and I need you.

And the little house I currently live in will be converted into my office/studio.  InshaAllah.  You won't ever have to live in this little house if you don't want to.  You will move into your house when it's ready.  InshaAllah.  I want you to be patient and wait, make lots of money for yourself, and maintain your chastity and your daily prayers.

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