Sunday, May 18, 2014

Letter to Julia 20140518

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

I'm sorry my dearest wives, but yesterday was the king's birthday, so it was a public holiday.  I didn't think the Internet cafe I always go to would be closed, though.  Gah!  As you know, I always plan my letters, and I don't like to write them live, and this is the only place in town that takes my USB drive.  Gah again!  In the meanwhile, Floofy gave birth to 3 beautiful kittens!  Aw!  They are so tiny!  They are a quiet bunch for some reason, but very energetic, and always squirming about.  Subhanallah!  Alhamdulillah!  Lailahaillallah!  Allahuakbar!  I love kittens!  One is a dark calico, almost like a dark tiger type.  One is a carbon copy of my Batty Watty Bat cat!  Strange that Bat Cat isn't the father.  The last is a white kitten with small blonde and black patches.  I'm going to name them Bat Cat, the white one Hepzibah, and I don't know what to name the striped one yet.  Ya Allah, please protect my kitties.  Ya Allah, please protect my Julia and Erin.  I love them, and I need them.

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