Sunday, March 9, 2014

Letter to Julia 20140309

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello again, my beautiful Julia and Erin.  It's 5:30am right now as I type this letter.  I have to get up early today as I have some stuff to do, but it's too early for me.  Yawn.  Ouch.  Yesterday was more hectic than I anticipated, but I managed to hold my patience somewhat, mashaAllah.  It was my Dad's 77th birthday yesterday.  I gave him some squid jerky.  Oh, no!  Now the international squid market is flooded!  Everybody, deploy the submarines and hunt for Archeteuthis!  Want some birthday cake?  I pray that you are able to be patient as well, and that you are maintaining your prayers.  As you know, I've had to change my blogging habits, and my evenings have become busier.  Events have become very interesting, huh?  We should be together.  I'm sorry you have to lag behind, but that's the way God set it up.  So please be patient.  I love you, and I need you.

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