Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130904

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.


Not just to vindicate the weak and the innocent, but to vindicate them for the love of Allah.  That is what is important.

Fluffy is such a little barbarian, Julia.  You wouldn't think so from looking at her.  She's such a miniature little kitty, and she's so cute with her fluffy, long, blond and white fur, but she's a barbarian.  She refuses to use the cat box, so don't ever let her into the house if you don't intend to keep an eye on her.  And her appetite is out of control... she'll eat anything!  She's been having diarrhea lately, and I've been wondering why.  But today, I saw her eat a 3 day old lizard carcass.  Bleah!  No wonder her tummy hurts!

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