Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130801

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Wow, is it August already?  My, how time flies, and I'm still in love with you.  I will always love you, my Julia.  Another 8 days, and it will be the Eid.  I enjoy Ramadan much more than the Eid, but at least I can start drinking coffee again.  My parents love the Eid, but I just want to lock myself up in my bedroom.  It's just too social for my taste.  How's your mom, by the way?  Give my regards to her.  Tell her I'm sorry that I plan to steal her daughter away from her like some medieval, chauvinistic, testosterone-driven barbarian.  I'm certain that you understand that this situation is far bigger than both our families combined.  Not just for its social and financial reality and potential, but for Allah.  Thus, I stand my ground.  You are my wife, and you will stay here with me.  InshaAllah.  May Allah reward us.

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