Monday, July 29, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130730

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello there, my beautiful beloved Julia.  I pray you are feeling healthy and confident.  Me, I ate too much, so I'm feeling bloated and lazy.  I bought some BBQ chicken from the night market, and enjoyed it with home made tortillas.  Say, the tortillas turned out perfect  You must try some.  Soft and fluffy.

A long while ago, I talked about some sort of concert, which would be a tourist attraction, part of a vacation package.  Then I spoke of a TV show, of which that concert is to be a part of.  Perhaps an hour of concert, then a couple of songs going into a TV show, where we receive guests and push products.  Would it be too ambitious to have a small stadium as the venue?  If God wills, then the venue would be packed each time.  Especially if there's global TV syndication.  This means that the stadium should incorporate a TV production studio.

Hey Julia, check out the guitar accompanist with the Elvis hairdo and no microphone on his guitar!

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