Sunday, July 28, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130729

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello there, my beloved Julia.  How are you feeling right now?  I'm tired.  I'm beat.  I couldn't do anything laborious this evening, so I'm just sitting here writing to my sweetie, and waiting for them to call the sunset prayer in about an hour, so I can eat something.

About the accompanist, of course it should be common knowledge that I'm broke right now, otherwise I would be married.  So I sing to please Allah.  Anyone who would be my accompanist now would best do so for the love of Allah, and expect reward from Allah, like me.  I hate cell phones, so anyone who wants an audition would have to connect with me through someone I know.  This of course gives a local the advantage, but isn't that the way it should be?  I'm a musical illiterate, I just create music from what I hear.  So the guitar player who is my accompanist should be good at picking out chords from recordings.  And fast too, for right now I have 96 songs in my live repertoire, and increasing inshaAllah.

Of course if greed is an issue, then whoever would have to wait until I have money before they work with me.  By that time I would be busy with my Julia, and leaving the task of auditions to my band leader (whom I've already chosen).  In the meantime, I'm happy with just karaoke, until Allah grants me something better inshaAllah.  Who needs the burden of fake friends?

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