Monday, July 8, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130709

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hey Julia, my girl!  I was here yesterday, and was just about to post my love letter to you, when the Internet service cut out.  Oh!  How dastardly!  How cruel the forces are that try to separate my meager means of communication to the girl I love!  Ya Allah, please trounce the ones who try to separate Julia and I with a severe and painful ass-kicking!

The first day of Ramadan should be tomorrow inshaAllah, considering that it's been rainy and foggy everyday lately, so obviously the new moon can't be seen.  I hope you enjoy this year's Ramadan.  I do so love the fasting month, but I wish you were here to share the surrealism with me.  Mwah!  I still have to do house cleaning, so I probably won't be in tomorrow.  Please forgive me.  I love you!

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