Friday, May 31, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130601

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.


This family business that is Shadowplay is like an oasis in the desert.  It's also like walking into the lobby of a mall, and it's bright and bustling, the crowd is excited, and the stores and kiosks are packed.  But only 2 spaces away from the lobby, the stores are empty.  A group of teenage girls drive around to the other side of the mall, but it's in complete darkness.  Nothing is happening anywhere else.  This is something you and our bosses need to understand: if it's not directly connected to the music, it's not going to be profitable.  InshaAllah.  It's like sitting at a cafe that's out of earshot to the singing: if you're there to listen to the music, then you're going to have to move closer.  Closer to where the music is.  Glory to Allah.  Don't mess with the situation, people.

I have made a commitment to marry you, Julia.  I mean it, Julia: I love you.  Therefore, right now I am unmarried, and I have never been married.  Now I'm old.  I can't marry you yet because I don't have the wealth to give you a good married life.  Please understand, that I cannot take any other position than to put your well-being in top priority.  MashaAllah.  Therefore, I can't take the responsibility for the lives of all the women who kill themselves for the love of the music, because I have made my commitment to marry you.  Ya Allah, please forgive me for my shortcomings.

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