Monday, May 13, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130514

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi there again, my love.  How are you feeling today, Julia?  It's a wild and crazy world out there, isn't it?  Conspiracies everywhere.  Just be righteous, be faithful, and put your trust in Allah.

I've been in a clammy mood lately.  My Mom cooked up some of those clams I told you about, you know, the "snails of a thousand brains".  I couldn't get enough of them, so I bought myself a kilo of the clams at the night market last night.  Oh Julia, clam broth is SO powerful.  I browned up some garlic and onions, then chilli paste and water, and something to add slight sourness, a touch of sugar, and then let the clams boil away in the mix.  I only bought a kilo because I didn't think I could put down two kilos, but now that they're all gone, I should have bought two kilos.  But nobody loves a fat astronaut.  Hey, would you like to try some?  How about I spoon up some of the broth with a clam in a half shell, and spoon feed you?  My darling?

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