Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130417

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello there, my beautiful Julia.  How are you feeling today?  I pray you are feeling healthy and confident.  I love you, and I want to marry you.  I'm still feeling slightly feverish, but praise Allah, the sickness is going away.  I had chicken liver curry with cashews for lunch today, but I didn't feel very creative for dinner.  So I just had several pieces of the nugget part of the chicken, coated in savory breadcrumbs, and fried until a golden and crispy brown.  I dipped them in a smooth and slightly sour blend of tomato pastes and purees.

As I told you before, the Flu Virus Collective attacked my voice first this time, when they usually begin their assault at the nose.  But I refuse to be cowed by a disease brought by the evil Collective!  I will fight!  InshaAllah!  Fight, fight, fight!  Do the yard work!  Water the flowers!  Sing like a girl!  Cuddle the kitty!  Make love to my Julia!  Fight the evil Collective!  Yeeeaaaarrrrrrgghhh!!!!!

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