Sunday, March 17, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130318

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Oh Julia, my dearest heart.  How are you feeling today?  I pray you are healthy and confident.  I'm feeling so drained today.  I'm so tired.  My feet are lemons.  Sorry, no kickboxing matches between us today.

I need to remind everyone that I am not a prophet.  I'm not an angel.  I've wandered far before I found Allah, and I have a BAD reputation.  And now I'm can only try my best to please Allah.    If the people need a role model, then they should emulate prophet Muhammad (peace be on him).  If they need someOne to worship, then they should worship Allah.  I am merely a rock star.  You are a supermodel.  You are my wife, inshaAllah.

Please understand and remember that perfect happiness is impossible in this life.  Perfection is a reward in the next life.  But if we work and have faith, perhaps Allah will grant us an easy and happy life, then a place together in heaven.  You are my girl Julia, and I love you.

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