Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130209

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hai Julia, my beloved!  How are you feeling today?  I love you, with all my heart.  Everyday.  I've loved you for a very long time now, and I want to marry you.  InsyaAllah.

It's been really dry the past month.  My front lawn and the wildflowers have dried up, but they'll be back with the next rain, insyaAllah.  The quinine tree behind my house is dripping water for some reason.  It's been hot and dry, the tree is covered with blossoms, and it's dripping water, tiny droplets of water, like falling mist.  But it stains the ground like amber, and it doesn't wash off, so it might not be water.  My back yard looks like it's drenched, but it's hot and dry.

Hey, it's raining right now!

Subhanallah!  Alhamdulillah!  Allahuakbar!

(I'll tell you the significance of this odd occurence someday, but not here.  Trace back my letters to when I discuss a similar subject, and you will understand.)

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