Monday, October 22, 2012

Letter to Julia 20121023

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

I'm not trying to delay anything my dearest Julia, I truly and dearly want to be married to you.  It is so important to me that I take good care of you, and your well-being is uppermost on my mind.  For I do love you so, my dearest heart.  I want you to be happy with me.

We are commanded not to join others in worship with Allah.  As my wife, it is extremely important that take this stand with me, after all, we don't want to be deified, right?  If they think the music is divine, then they must thank Allah, and worship Allah.  Some people call me ignorant, probably because they think there is nothing wrong with idol worship.  They assert it's just innocent teenage fun, and does no harm.  We in the industry have seen much harm done to the innocent because they want to make it in showbiz.  Or be a successful model.  No, don't worship us.  Worship Allah.

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