Sunday, August 26, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120827

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello Julia, my love, my darling.  How are you feeling today?  Please don't overwork yourself.  Just take it easy, just take your time, my lady.  I'm just here doing my daily routine, waiting for when Allah allows us to be happily married.  I don't go anywhere new, I don't do any thing new.  I wake up, I take a shower, I post a letter to my sweetie, I eat lunch, I drink coffee, I voice train, I do yard work, I take a shower, I eat dinner, I produce music, I watch TV, then I sleep, all done with prayers in between.  There are no more loves for me, now that I've found you.  Just the routine, and the waiting.

I told my Dad the other day that I don't care if I never leave the kampung ever again for the rest of my life, except to do my Hajj.  Yes my love, that is how I feel.  I've had enough travel, or I'm too lazy, whatever.  If you wish to go somewhere, then I must accompany you.  Also, I made a promise to the mysterious piano player.  But otherwise for me, no more travel.  Sure, it's a step down from the "honors" and hotels of touring, but I am trying to build something here.  A tourist attraction.  Julia's house.

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