Sunday, August 19, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120820

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

How are you feeling, my beloved young Julia?  I'm sorry I took so long to write, but it's been the Eid, and I had to pay more attention to the houses and yards.  I think the Eid is overrated and commercialized, anyway.  I find the fasting month of Ramadan much more rewarding, enjoyable and entertaining.  But my parents take the Eid seriously, and we Muslims take care of our parents.  But I am grateful that I get to eat during the day again.  Plus, the hectic schedule and all that standing in prayer did a number on my feet and legs.  Ouch.

Ah, I had the most delicious fried noodles the other night, made by one of my favorite chefs.  It was a most authentic "mamak" style fried noodles.  It was so accurate!  Do you know what a "mamak" is?  It is stereotypically a fat, male India cook.  But these noodles had the highest quality beef in it.  Oh Julia, it was so delicious!  What an intelligent cook.

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