Monday, August 13, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120814

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

So I made steak and cheese sandwiches for breaking fast.  I didn't have any sub buns, so I used regular burger buns.  To top the steak, I sauteed a mix of onions and oyster mushrooms (oyster mushrooms are common around these here parts) with a pinch of salt.  Instead of mayo, I just used a fried egg.  After all, mayo is just egg whites in oil and salt.  For the cheese, I bought some Australian processed cheese.  Aussie beware!  I'm for Julia!  But the cheese was OK.  Not having an oven is a pain for baked items.  So to adapt to my poverty, I placed a steel bowl upside down over a flat pan, and let it heat up.  Just enough to melt the cheese and soften the bread.  Still toasted the bottom a little too much, though.

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