Sunday, July 29, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120730

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hey Julia.  My dearest love.  The nights are still hot right now.  But I do so love the fasting month, more than I like the Eid.  I would like to tell you about my family.  My Dad is/was one of the first private lawyers in Perlis.  My Mom is a retired teacher.  I have 2 brothers and 1 sister.  I'm the recluse of the family.  Perlis is the home state of my mother, so she is the one with the deepest roots here.  More?

I've been analyzing these Victoria's Secret Fashion Shows, and I've figured out who your main rival for the position of Boss Model is.  I'm all for you!  My Julia!  Go Julia!  Everyone send in your vote for Julia to be Boss Model at Victoria's Secret right now!

Oh yes, I need to remind you to please keep measurements and scales to fit your comfort when designing a home.  Like doorways, table tops, kitchen counters, cabinets, drawers, toilet seats, etc should all be made to fit your height.  I'm sorry my dearest, I love you with all my heart, but I don't have a house plan yet.  I can't draw, and so many wacky, I mean strange things are happening to me right now, I have to pay attention in order to react properly.  Don't worry my love, my primary concern is for your happiness, and I actually like to sleep on the floor.  Also don't forget to add a huge dose of patience to whatever you're doing around here.  After all, you are Mrs. Global.

P.S. Thank you for your love.

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