Friday, June 29, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120630

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

**It's still the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show marathon on Shadowplay TV**

Hi Julia!  Lately I've been getting the sensation that you are really close by.  I think it's because the men are getting increasingly belligerent around me.  **snarl**  You are so beautiful, I suppose that's part of life.  Ya Allah, please protect Julia and I and all the ones we love.  I don't know if you're getting a chance to read my love letters lately, but since I do love you, I feel obligated to write them since I have be here anyway.

Anyway, next month is fasting month.  You know how to fast, right?  In a nutshell, no food, drink, sex or swearing from dawn to sunset.  If you are on your period then you are exempt from fasting, but you have to make the days up later before the next Ramadan.  You have to voice your intention to fast the day before.  I've been looking for a specific incantation for the intent to fast that the Prophet (peace be on him) used, but I couldn't find it.  I'll keep looking.  What I've been using my whole life, may Allah accept my worship, is (in English) "I hereby fast tomorrow in the month of Ramadan of this year, for the sake of Allah, the Most High."  Of course, before any act of worship, you seek protection with Allah from Satan the rejected, and you invoke the name of God by saying, "In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful."

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