Friday, June 22, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120623

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

**It's still the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show marathon on Shadowplay TV**

Hi, my dearest Julia.  It's nearly the fasting month of Ramadan?  Are you excited?  Are you?  Are you?  I love the fasting month.  So many people dread the fasting month, but I love it, especially because so many wacky things happen during that month.  Wacky, I mean strange.  The whole month is a celebration to me.  Most people buy their presents at the end of the month when the Eid comes, but if I had money, I would buy special treats and gifts everyday, and decorate everyday.  But since I'm poor and lazy, I compensate with a change of habit.  I usually have 2 large meals daily, a quick one before the afternoon prayer, and another after sunset.  For the fasting month, I will take a quick meal for breaking fast, and a big meal for the pre-dawn repast.  Vocal training will be difficult, because I won't be drinking coffee, and I'm liable to put myself into a coma, but perhaps a nap before I start singing will fix that.  Are you ready to fast?  Ramadan starts on July 21!

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