Thursday, May 31, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120601

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello, my precious Julia.  It's still the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show marathon on Shadowplay TV.  Those wings can get rather heavy, can't they?  It pains me to see the strain on your beautiful legs as you walk.  But I'm sure you are well aware of that, and you are the consummate professional, and a lady.  It's not as if you're dragging a tree of light cans on your back.  Oh, you've done that?  Yes, I know you have.  My poor Julia.  You are strong, my love.  And I love you so.

And when you are alone in your home, please recite the Qur'an out loud.  Just a little bit, the English translation will suffice if you don't know Arabic.  Compare the little bit that you read with what happens to you at the time.  You will discover in part that you are never alone, that you are being listened to, for Allah Understands the finest mysteries, and is Well-acquainted with them.

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