Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120510

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

So, I grilled a fish yesterday.  Oh Julia, even taking a day off to be lazy takes preparation nowadays, and by the day is over, I find myself busting ass like I have been doing everyday lately.  How about you?  We must try to slow down, Julia!  Anyway, as the sauce for my noodles is boiling away, I am writing this love letter to my sweetie.  Hi Sweetie!  I love you!  But this morning I grilled a fish.  I bought a big fish on Monday to be grilled today, but yesterday my Dad gave me an even bigger fish, so I grilled that one.  Thanks, Dad!  Anyway, it was such a perfect fish to deal with.  What I mean is that when I gutted the fish, I was able to take out the gills, heart, stomach, and intestines, and thoroughly flush out the cavity while leaving the liver and roe intact, still hanging tight onto the membrane.  A small miracle for my eyes only!  The roe was my favorite condition as well, not too mature and not too small, with a nice creamy and consistent texture, kind of like the liver.  My Mom turned me on to using grated coconut as stuffing, you know like croutons are used to stuff turkey.  Thanks Mom!  For RM1 I get a bag full of grated coconut, so I made stuffing for 2 large fish, and still have half a bag left in my cooler.  I fried up the coconut with onion, lemongrass and salt, until it turned dark, then covered it up to cool overnight.  I stuffed the fish with fried whole garlic cloves as well as the stuffing.  The fish grilled up perfectly as well: nice and moist and flavorful to eat.  I ate half of the fish, and used the rest of the meat for my fried noodles at dinner.

Want some?

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