Thursday, May 3, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120504

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hey Julia, I've written to you everyday this week, haven't I?  I'm not much of a talker, especially in this public place, but I suppose it must be a taste of when we spend our lives together with each other at all times.  InsyaAllah.  Don't worry, I've give you Saturday and Sunday off, and I'll write again on Monday.  InsyaAllah.  Today is Friday, and I won't have time to play SL: I have to go to Friday prayer.  I was right in the middle of putting together an outfit matching a pair of multicolor shoes I got free from the Galaxy club, when the power blacked out throughout the entire block.  Fun with music and fashion!  Allah knows what kind of earth-shaking shenanigans we'll be up to when we're finally together.  You can still meet me in SL if you want, but if you don't want, then please don't get distraught over my avatar.  This is work.  If you do want to play SL with me, then I should be easy to find.  Of course you already know where I am: I'll be dancing away at the nightclubs.  I'll help you perfect your avatar, if you like.

I love you, Julia!  You're my girl!

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