Sunday, February 19, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120220

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

It sure rained heavily yesterday. It had been so stupendously hot lately, and yesterday was hot too, that I was shocked at the amount of water that came down. Thw weather can sure change quickly, Julia. So much for human superiority. So today, I didn't have to water my flowers as I usually do before sunset, even though it was another hot day. I sat in the yard and just watched the sky. And right before my eyes, the weather started to change. The bright sun was being washed away by a sudden storm. The clouds up high were moving soooo fast Julia, faster than any airplane I've seen travel. I could see the clouds swirling and swirling around, but there was no hail. Not yet. I knew I had to shut the windows on the east facade of the house, but I was still shocked at the fury of the wind that blew the torrents of water that hammered that side of the house. Even with the windows shut, a lot of water was blown into the house, and I had much mopping to do. Even little Chee Cheah had to run and hide at the other side of the house. But the storm stopped just shy of sunset, and the sun came out again but only for a few minutes. Then it started to rain lightly, and it's still raining right now at 10pm.

Talk about the weather! Well, I could talk about chickens and wild dogs, but they're not my chickens: I just have to tolerate them, in the name of love and compassion. The dogs don't belong to me, either. They belong to Allah. Everything belongs to Allah.

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