Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120209

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

How are you, my most cherished, beloved young wife? Well, someday soon, insyaAllah. God doesn't like it when I babble, but I am only human, and my creativity certainly doesn't match the creativity of Allah. But I have to speak to you to nurture our love, even though I am not the talkative type. I pray you are taking good care of yourself, and maintaining your prayers. Allah does not place a burden on a soul greater than it can bear. So when you work, please do good and charitable work, and make sure that God and only God is Who you worship. There are plenty of the wealthy ones who decline to do righteous deeds even though the winds of change blow strongly, and in arrogance they talk nonsense about the Qur'an. They never really took the Bible or the Torah seriously either. The Qur'an is the Truth. But most people hate the truth: the only things that matter to them are their desires. But if the Truth had been in accord to their desires, then everything would have been in corruption and confusion!

Please give charity without asking for it, be foremost in righteous deeds. and Allah will take good care of us with justice. InsyaAllah. Ya Allah, thank You for all You have given me. Please forgive me as I will never be able to thank You adequately. And thank you for your love, my beautiful Julia.

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