Monday, January 9, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120110

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the rejected one.
In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Julia! I love you, my ravishing princess. So, what is security? We know that security is grated by Allah, the Best to protect, and the Best to help. The Qur'an states:

It is those who believe, and confuse not their beliefs with wrong that are in security, for they are on guidance. (The cattle 6:82)

I haven't started my dinner yet, but on the menu tonight is clams. It's Monday the 9th, between the Magrib and Isya' prayers, usually my dinnertime, but I absolutely had to write a few words to my beloved first. I bought 2 kilos of clams at the night market just now, believe me that I can easily down 2 kilos of clams. I don't know the English name of these particular clams, but the literal translation from Malay is "Snails of a Thousand Brains", where clams and snails have the same name in Malay. Clams and shellfish generally don't need salt, and these clams are quite powerful in flavor. I don't like my shellfish to turn into rubber, so I try not to overcook them. This time, I will be stir-frying them with chilli paste, a pinch of sugar, garlic, cilantro, and lime, to point where a generous broth is generated. The shells of these clams are comparitively fragile, so I have to be cautios when folding in the mix. Knowing when to shut the heat off takes practice. I guess a solid indicator is when the clams yawn wide open. The clams that clam up generally have nothing but mud in them, but I open all of them, cautiously over my trash container, to make sure I'm not wasting any precious broth. Whoa! Don't drink all the broth, Julia! Sip a little, but save most of it for other seafood dishes. Heh! I'm just cooking by the seat of my pants. InsyaAllah, it will still taste awesome. Want some?

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