Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120104

Ah, how beautiful you are, my precious beloved Julia. My, you do so love to hide in the wide open, don't you? Well maybe not, but you are good at it. But I recognized you the minute I saw you, Red. I suppose you made it easy for me, huh? Well, I'm really not that smart, so I hope you continue to make it easy for me. I've clearly fallen in love with you. I want us to get married and live happily together in this life and ever after. Please. InsyaAllah.

All this humility I have not yet forgotten all those hard times, and my service to God, insyaAllah. But there are those who claim to be my friends yet are weighed down by their ornaments, so much that they create an object of worship (greed) out of them. I do not represent them, and I cannot represent them as against Allah. It is their own doubt that represents them. Then they resort to materialism. Again. This doubt is then stoked by a person who rationalizes that this materialism is the right path.

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