Friday, December 30, 2011

Letter to Julia 20111231

Happy new year, Julia! Yes, you are my girl, I love you and I want to marry you. You know, I don't blame you for wanting to spend the Christmas and New Year doing things you used to do as a child, because of your memories, and the happy moments you associate with them. Just remember that I cannot be married to a non-Muslim, so you must keep your philosophy and acts of worship sincere and exclusive to Allah. I personally do not associate any happy memories or best days of my life to any public holiday, or birthday even. I find that my best memories happened on days where I don't even remember the date. Those non-descript, average days when God grants me a taste of the perfect feeling. So whenever I have to follow you on your jaunts home for you to spend time with your parents during the holiday season, I would most likely be in retreat at a mosque, or locked up in a room. InsyaAllah, nothing political would happen. Of course, there are Christians and Jews who are righteous and sincere in their devotion to God. But the human condition is set, and corruption is rampant, and I have to guard and purify my own Islam, and you are my wife. Now do you see how expansive the universe is? Now do you see how far-reaching your part is in this human drama?

Let me repeat that I have no intent or desire to travel anywhere ever again except for the following reasons:

1. to Saudi Arabia, to fulfil and complete my Hajj,
2. to Salt Lake City, Utah, USA to keep my promise with the mysterious piano player,
3. to Germany to get my wife Julia, and anywhere with Julia for her sake, for her happiness.

Yeah, I've decided that I'll go to Germany to get you, when Allah permits me to do so. Otherwise, I will just stay here in Perlis, and create music here and not go anywhere, no tours, no traveling at all. Maybe I might go do some shopping, then again maybe not. After all, the quality of the local food supply is very high, and will stay high as long as the environment is clean. Anything else can be imported, insyaAllah. So if anyone wants to hear me channel, with my singing, the ghosts of Karen Carpenter, Billie Holiday, and Janis Joplin by the Will of Allah, then they are just going to have to come here to Perlis. InsyaAllah.

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