Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Letter to Julia 20111201

**sniffle** Oh Julia, I've gone and gotten myself the sniffles again. **sniffle** I just barely got over the sniffles I had last week, then I got a sniffle attack while I was voice training. **sniffle** I can't sing when the sinus fluids overflow. They ruin my voice. So I have to spend hours draining all those fluids into a small bucket. Nothing else seems to work. This process takes my entire concentration, so I can't multitask while I empty out my sinus cavity, but I must protect my voice. Disgusting though as this may seem, I have managed to maintain voice training and Qur'an reading everyday for over 2 months, because of this strict regimen. Disgusting though as this may seem, sinus fluids are crystal clear, but viscous as a jellyfish. Fascinating, huh? Right now, only Allah and I seem to know how important it is that I sing everyday. Perhaps someday, others will catch on, and offer enough financial aid so that I can marry my sweetie. Yeah, right. I can only trust Allah for that. **sniffle**

I was about to blog a love letter to you yesterday, but my USB drive died. That's too bad, because I wrote up a dissertation on the dangers and intricasies of singing. Oh well, I suppose it's to stay a secret, because I can't remember exactly what I wrote, and I suppose Allah was the One who killed my USB drive, thus I don't want to blog such a topic right now. Instead, I'll just say what I'm supposed to be saying in a love letter. You're the prettiest girl in the world to me, Julia. I love you, and I want to marry you.

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