Sunday, November 27, 2011

Letter to Julia 20111128

Of course, when the time comes when Allah allows me the means to travel to you and get you, I would have prepared a home and a means of living for you, insyaAllah. A life of marriage that I have been talking about all this while to you, happiness in this life as well as the Hereafter, insyaAllah. Be aware that there are greater issues at stake, considering that your suitor is a one with a spiritual agenda, to please Allah with music. It is a larger existence than you have ever experienced before, a space larger than the glitz of a ballroom with crystal chandeliers and gold adornments. A pressure greater than the deepest chasm in the ocean, an awareness of life far beyond the sensation of motion perceived by your eyes and fuzzy blond hairs on your forearm. Much more important than the amount of cash and material possessions I am able to accumulate in order to give you a comfortable existence. It is something you need to figure out for yourself, if Allah wills. I can't slap a collar around your neck and pull you upstairs. If Allah refuses to guide you, then you will not be helped. I can't save anybody, no matter how much I love them, not my parents, not you. Allah is the One who saves people, not me.

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